German speaking Internet users have a tendency to adopt bad habits that are ubiquitous in the US media and the Internet, e. g. the wrong use of the ellipsis (see Punctuation). And, of course, they get their spelling mixed up quite often. The following list contains a few examples of English words that one should be careful with – because they are closely related to German words but spelt differently.

address – Adresse
gallery – Galerie
resource – Ressource
model – Modell

In some cases the same words have different meanings:
sensitive – sensibel
sensible – vernünftig
camaraderie – unechte Freundschaft

These words are just frightful:
Anmutung (Only ignoramuses use this word.)
Ich verwehre mich gegen ... (instead of: verwahre)

This construction is ungrammatical:
Das Haus, was ich liebe ... (instead of: das)