It is no longer possible in Switzerland to post nude galleries on the Internet without ensuring that they are inaccessible to minors.
The Swiss Federal Court’s new definition of pornography is extremely rigorous: A picture of a woman who looks “submissive” is considered pornographic now (cf. NZZ Nr. 78/2005, p. 14)! As if she didn’t have a will of her own and needed protection to the age of 85!
Feminism rules.
Anything erotic, anything a man likes is prohibited now, nay most things women like are prohibited! The notion of “female dignity” is the feminist fiction of the day.
Sweet Jesus. But what can I do? One can’t argue with legal beagles. They think they possess the ultimate truth, while in fact they are just willing tools of vogue ideologies, whether it is feminism or Nazism or Marxism or McCarthyism or whatever.
I sincerely hope I live to see better days!
In the meantime all my nude galleries are private. Only identifiable visitors can view them.
So – police, snitches, stoolies, prosecuting attorneys and other world savers – can you live with this new system?
It’s sad, isn’t it. Those lonely nights ...
But you know what? There is hope: Get out of your little world! Use your own brain. Go out and meet some of these beautiful young foreigners in person. They are here to enrich our lives. Treat them gently and respectfully, and maybe you too will find a face that makes you happy. Forever, if you are lucky.
And then, believe me, you will have better things to do than hassle people, “stifle understanding” (Mary) and contribute to the destruction of civic liberties.
Give those feminist hellcats a wide berth. That crowd won’t make you happy. Not in a thousand years.
They’ll sue your pants off, if you look at them the wrong way. Or if you touch their elbow. Why? Because in feminist societies women are even unhappier than men.
Women have managed to destroy intersexual trust, they have succeeded in feminizing laws, institutions, parties, politics.
But now they have a pretty tough time finding men.

August 2003 / August 2008