Nudity And Abuse
These deliberations (the project itself is gone – considered “pornographic” in the feminist police state) are dedicated to all parents, mothers and citizens who – in this day and age of media stirred mass
hysteria – have kept a clear head with respect to sex, nudity, pornography, child abuse and the like.
We have a tendency today to say: Because there are so many traffic victims per year, we should not drive cars anymore. Or: Because many people die in the mountains every year, one should forbid hiking. Or: Because seat
belts can save lives, everybody must wear a seat belt (even in bed). Or: Because some dogs are dangerous, one should muzzle all dogs (and the owners also). Or: Because some men are violent, all men should pay a “violence tax”.
Or, better yet, have sex under episcopal supervision only.
I maintain that this world would be a better place, if we had fewer apostles of chastity, fewer laws, smarter laws and less dogmatism in all areas.
As far as nudity is concerned, there can be no pornography. Or else we are all pornographers. I don’t remember having clothes on anyway when my mother gave birth to me.
Pornography to me is depiction of violence, cruelty, torture – especially when inflicted on animals because they cannot act and play as people can. (And this is everywhere today, on TV, on the Internet and in news papers,
and we are not even ashamed of it anymore. Mass destruction of animals has become an accepted thing.)
As obscene and unnatural I regard men or women who have no conscience and no feelings. “Human” beings who leave a baby or a dog in a hot car or tie a dog to a tree when they go on vacation.
Or “sportsmen” who kill for fun. Or “cool” kids who toast hamsters in front of a webcam. Or advocates of clitoris amputation. Or fathers who kill or disown their daughters because they have put the family
to “shame”. Or men who beat up women.
Or ... The list is endless.
But nudity is natural. And young blossoming female bodies are a joy to behold.
Joy is a very rare thing. We must therefore continue to defy prudery, narrow-mindedness and anti-men laws and try to succor and rekindle the spirit of the Sexual Revolution, no matter how difficult this may be in today’s
world. This milestone of western civilization must never be forgotten or disparaged. Women, men and children have profited from it. It has led to better intersexual communication, more tolerance, individual autonomy and dignity.
The countermovements (feminism, fundamentalism, “talibanization”) are a tragic setback. If we continue to follow that road, we’ll have American moral standards soon and treat prostitutes as criminals or lock
up little boys who give their sisters a nudge in public ...
Let’s not forget that families thrive on love, not on restraining orders. And citizens thrive on freedom, not on convictions that result from ideological fanaticism and have nothing to do with wrongdoing. |