“Wenn ich Zeuge werde, wie der Bundespräsident seinen geprüften Ernst den getauften Kameras anvertraut, spüre ich, dass mein Innenleben ungetauft heissen muss. Verglichen mit den Pflegern der Sagbarkeit komme ich mir unvorzeigbar vor. Mein Selbstgespräch macht mich auch mir selbst verdächtig. Das verdanke ich den edlen Bemühungen derer, die jeweils wissen, was das Richtige ist.”
Martin Walser, NZZ Nr. 300/2000


Intersexuality / Equality / Gender Related
I talk to a bitch out of politeness or pity; she thinks I am interested in her!

Single mothers – you think you are heroines? You are proud? You think everybody should help you cope?
Well, here is what I think: You shouldn’t be proud of your ability to rear a child by yourselves; you should be ashamed of your inability to live with a man!
And you should be ashamed of what you do to your children by fighting with their father. The man you once chose to be that ...

Emotional stupidity: Feminists declare war on men – and expect to be loved by men.
Emotional intelligence: I tell my bitch to buy a pair of scissors; she comes back with Rolls-Royce-type stainless steel scissors that must have cost a fortune.

Couples who say they would never forgive adultery are either very young or very stupid.

Want to test a woman? Want to know how much she cares for you? How much sense of humor she has? How self-confident she is? How wise? Offer her money for sex.

Provocations are useful; they make people show their faces.

Contempt for prostitutes is contempt for men.
Women who disrespect prostitutes and consider them inferior and disrespectable are frigid and stupid. And quite often they are the greediest “prostitutes” of all – marrying money, not a man.

Friends, family: the ones that support you when the going gets rough. The ones who side with you when you are in deep shit. The ones who don’t use their power when they have power over you – in court e. g. The ones who love you even when you disappoint them.

Talkers, teasers: the useless ones.
“I know what I can do to make you feel better” – this is the kind of stuff they say. But they don’t know shit. And they do nothing.
Women – if you don’t intend to deliver, don’t tease us men! Deliver first, tease later.

Nine months with C., 23, from Switzerland. No sex, no visit. Empty promises. Eternal shyness. Single child. Singular inadequacies.
Nineteen days with A., 22, from Romania. Three visits. Great sex. Warmth. Chemistry.
With C. I felt I was old trash. Worthless. Almost lost my will to shop. But A. gave me my dignity back.
Keep that in mind, men! don’t blow your brains out just yet, if object of desire A gives you snippy shit and icy silence. Object of desire B may knock on your door tomorrow. (If “Love On The Edge”, aka “The Cowboy And The Movie Star” [1998], comes your way – take the time to watch it. It exemplifies this in a very beautiful way.)

If I had a daughter, I’d tell her every day a couple of times that she is trash. Of course she would be a goddess – but if I told her that, she would be a pain in the ass for every man in her life. Much like most European and American women these days. No man and no God can ever make and keep them happy.

“Sexual integrity” is an oxymoron.
Integrity is “the quality or condition of being whole or undivided” (American Heritage Dictionary). Sexuality means sharing biological wishes and dreams and visions with the opposite sex. A rock may have integrity; a mountain may have integrity – men and women have secret little wishes. And those wishes make life beautiful.

“Sexual harassment” – Oh yes. This is a lovely word!
If a woman gives me a nudge, I call the cops ... Right away, man.
A boy who scores with an older woman will keep his mouth shut because he is proud of what happened and delighted with himself.
Need I go on? Okay: The other way around we are looking at an abominable and heinous crime that calls for rigorous prosecution and punishment. Under the applause of the amazon lobby.

Do girls have more honor than boys? Or a different, perhaps nobler, honor? Are they purer? Holier? More venerable?
“Officially” women hate sex and are deeply offended by the mere mention of it; “unofficially” they love it and can’t get enough of it.

(I know what I am talking about.)
Men love sex. Period.
So facing a mixed jury is really nice for a man who is accused of a sexual “offense”: The female members of the jury would like to see him castrated because he dared to touch a woman; the male members of the jury would like to see him castrated because they suspect that he had a lot more fun than they could ever have.

Patient sues young assistant doctor for harassment. Career gone, reputation gone, life destroyed.
She could have told him, with a smile, not to bother her.
Who do these bitches think they are? They seem to think their cunts are holy or something. What gives them the right to ruin men?
And why do our judges abet such frivolous feminist power games? That makes them no better than NS-judges who ruled according to party line principles.
Today a char can bring down a professor with false allegations. Evidence isn’t needed anymore; a woman’s testimony outweighs a man’s.

An old woman in my village – nobody bothers her. isn’t that great. She is pure and holy and virtuous. But I have a slight feeling that she prays to have sex every night ... Maybe I am wrong.

What’s the core conviction of feminism? That women are better human beings than men. That the world would be a better place if they had more say.
Quotation (NZZ, May 16, 2001):
“In New York sind zwei Männer in die Freiheit entlassen worden, die 14 Jahre unschuldig in Haft gesessen hatten. Die beiden waren im März 1987 wegen einer Zeugenaussage des Mordes für schuldig befunden und verurteilt worden. Diese Ausage hat sich nun als falsch herausgestellt. Nach Angaben von New Yorker Justizbehörden habe die Zeugin [...] zugegeben, die Männer wahrheitswidrig des Mordes beschuldigt zu haben. Durch ihre Falschaussage habe sie die ausgesetzte Belohnung einstreichen wollen.”

New puritanism Indian style: Some say honeymooners should be accompanied by a family member!
Well, let’s look on the bright side here: Group sex here we come.
People who frown on premarital sex are morons. How can I marry somebody, if I haven’t scored? This is buying the pig in the poke. Sexual compatibility is everything in a relationship. Wilhelm Reich calls that “genital harmony”. Without it a relationship can’t possibly work.
Good luck, puritans and prudes. You are going to need a lot of counseling.

“True love waits”: Yeah, till doomsday. And beyond.
“I want to be the first one in his/her life”: Crazy, stupid crap! As if a woman got dirty from sex! A pros who appeals to me is as fresh as a daisy, and I don’t give a shit how many facials she has had in her life or in her previous life. ONE shower, and she is a virgin.

“Sexualität und Eros [bedürfen] der Reinigung wie der Vollendung durch eine übermenschliche Macht. Der Eros bedarf der Religion.”
[Sexuality needs to be cleansed and enhanced by religion.]
Christoph Casetti, Informationsbeauftragter des Bistums Chur; NZZ Nr. 11/2002, p. 56
My comment: Okay, Chris – in future I’ll get back to you for every single erection I plan on having. Would that be alright with you? And your diocese? And the Pope?

Prostitutes: Holy women. Nurses. Goddesses. Saints.
Politicians: Heini kissers. Pseudologers. Media clowns. Criminals.

Self-confidence: A woman who lets her guy fuck around. Because she knows she is the best.

Wedding anniversary #26:
I go to town and meet a cute homeless. I give her 50 bucks and wish her a good day. Then I come across a very sweet, very petite little Thai, 26. I have good sex with her and good communication. Then I go home and tell my wife all about it. She smiles and praises me and cooks the best hirsotto ever.

Arrogant women – you sicken me.
As if you had no expiry date! Get real. If you want lasting love (from a man, not from a Golden Retriever), you have to be sweet and gentle, modest and grateful. Not bitchy and obstreperous.
Try the other, and enjoy being back “on the market” in no time again ... don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.

Women – Goddesses at 16. Rulers at 20. Beggars at 30. Crawlers at 50.
Men – Beggars at 16. Beggars at 20. Rulers at 30. Crawlers at 50.
Who says life isn’t fair?

Women who “know” what men want (“I am an attractive female with everything a man wants”) should stay in love with their cats.

My sexual preferences are my business. I don’t need any parish priest to tell me what I want.

I always have two opinions: one before fucking, one after.

What’s a good relationship? One that lasts. Sex isn’t even all that important. But friendships are.
What’s a good bitch? Bad day, bad time of the day, bad timing – but you still like the look of her.

Women want equality. That’s fair enough.
They also want chivalry and gallantry though. Plus the old prerogatives (e. g. exemption from military duty, earlier retirement, wearing fancy clothes, being cheeky with impunity).
But I got news for you, ladies: In future I want to be mentioned first, served first, rescued first; I want the door held open for me, and I want you to carry my grocery bags.

Violence: Why are men violence prone? Why do they want victims? Why do they want to humiliate women? Here is my theory:
1. Women have sexual power over men. Men feel enslaved by this law of nature.
2. Women have biological goals and wishes that are basically incompatible with male conceptions of sexuality.
3. Today’s matriarchal laws are meant to “educate” men (= make them think like women). Weak men have given women the laws that the most radical men haters among them have always been dreaming about.
This is called “equality”; women have all the rights, men have none.
Let me illustrate this with an episode from a recent American Navy movie: A female PO spontaneously hugs and kisses her superior. The guy looks embarrassed but happy. He doesn’t ground or sue her for disrespect and harassment.
If a male PO did the same thing to his female commanding officer, she would probably sue his pants off and have him discharged dishonorably in the nearest port.
Conclusion: Men are permanently humiliated by the imperative nature of their desires, frustrated by female selection criteria and castrated by absurd and intimidating matriarchal laws. It is a miracle really that we don’t see more outbursts of anger and violence!
We will see more though, I am pretty sure, if we don’t revise our current laws. It’s time to reform our entire law system. Time to extirpate hormonally unbalanced female addenda and desiderata. Time to introduce genuine equality – the kind that takes female privileges and the natural power women have over men into account again!
Good women understand all this and play to please the guy. Stupid women sue.

Anti-men laws: No wonder! Young women are busy trying to find a suitable mate (they basically love men still, or they think they do). In politics, however, we are looking at OLD women. Bitter old cunts who have lost their sexual power and therefore hate men.

Pics = short pleasure; a good woman stays exciting.

A good forgiving woman one doesn’t leave, Mr. Bohlen! Especially not after being given her ten best years. Testing is fine, for some time, but this is using and hurting.

Women never run amok. Amazing. They have good nerves, and they can take punishment.
Men run amok all the time. Every day.

“Women make men run amok.” (Mary)

“Everybody says Clinton is bad; nobody blames Monica.” (Mary)

He: “Royal sex last night!” She: “Wow, do you remember it?”
(A great bitch with adorably low expectations!)

Prostitutes are the only normal women in this day and age of feminist frenzy.