Transient Thoughts
Quotation: “Im Westen [...] ist nicht ein einziger Richter wegen seiner NS-Vergangenheit vor Gericht gestellt und verurteilt worden.”
NZZ Nr. 19/2002, p. 63
Government terrorism: I manage to get out of that sprawling urban mess at last. I come to a nice forest edge with fall leaves scattered all over. I say to my pet: Run free, my boy!
And then I see a sign that says: “Keep dogs on the leash at all times.” Or: “Protect unborn deer.” Or: “Pick up the dog shit and eat it.”
Are these guys talking to me? Supreme being me? Control freak me? Well, here is my answer: Fuck you all. And tell your wives what to do. Not responsible citizens and taxpayers.
Government terrorism 2: House searches for “illegal” pics all over Switzerland. Expensive hardware confiscated (and bashed up in the process), the sanctity and privacy of homes desecrated,
decent people publicly humiliated.
This is nice work for you cops, isn’t it. This feels good. Fighting obstinate foreign drug dealers in the streets of Zurich is unpleasant, so you resort to this type of activity. Media coverage
A year ago this would not have been possible. But our politicians have changed the law in the meantime. Now it’s possible.
Thank you, Swiss lawmakers. You should all get a fucking medal.
Hunting – killing for fun. Crimes of passion may be excusable; killing for a sport is worse than rape and murder.
Hunters on the way home in Lenz GR, rabbits and hares dangling from their shoulders.
Congratulation, lads! You hunted down some bad ass enemies! Rabbits and hares I really fear. The Taliban are a bunch of choir boys in comparison.
Today’s newspaper, today’s headlines – I am tired already. Just from reading them. Tired of profundity, depth, complexity; dreaming of simplicity, purity, order.
Strange that one is proudest of the things that are not based on any personal achievement: good looks, good health, long life, luck.
Naiveness and wisdom: Marx and Schnitzler.
The former thought the world would be a paradise once poverty is overcome; the latter knew that the problems only start then.
Horror stories that ruin one’s day:
Dog can’t get out of a stream anymore; dog and owner die.
18-year old girl killed in a car crash caused by her 20-year old “friend”.
You like the fast lane? You tell your guy to overtake? You are stupid. As a paraplegic you won’t have a guy!
Youth = knowing nothing, being ready for everything, living. Age = knowing everything, being ready for nothing, hiding.
The masochism of the masses: The Irish love Great Britain, the Yugoslavian peoples look up to Germany, Indians strive to be more British than Prince Charles – looks like oppression pays.
Language power renders one speechless. Perfectionism makes one shut up. In the end you only have something like two perfect syllables. Like “cunt” or “come”.
Everything else is impure ...
Being hated is nice in a way. It means one has made an impression. (Not being noticed is much worse; that says I am insignificant, boring or “a poor thing”.)
Hatred is a powerful and multifaceted feeling. When I hate somebody I see myself in him or her, the parts I dislike about myself, and I see anger – at myself. And frustration and guilt and bitterness.
And deep down, at bottom, I understand the reasons for my “negative love”. It’s like looking in the mirror and seeing just how horrible one looks.
Strange that one normally can’t sort it out with that person. This powerful sentiment would be a good foundation for a friendship. If only one could turn it around.
Clinton, the media clown. People pay him to make speeches. I despise the guy. Not for being opportunistic and spineless, not for being a sex maniac.
But for being a liar.
“What if a child looks at your nude women?” some morons have said to me. Jesus Christ, so what! In that case they get a glimpse of life, which is educational and useful. If children look in the
mirror, they see nudity too. And when they watch TV or read magazines they come across erotic things also (and other, clearly harder, facts of life in addition). Let alone computer games that glorify violence and
Moreover, any computer-savvy child can use search engines. Recently I entered the word “sex” in a search box – in a couple of seconds I got 1’400’000 hits!
What do you intend to do about this, cyber censors and hypocrites united? Shut down the Internet? Blindfold all minors? Ground all minors till they are 35? |